Saturday, September 22, 2012

Texas Prairie Finch

Silver Sage Burlap pillow with sweet CeCe Caldwell's Texas Prairie bird.


  1. Really pretty. I just ordered a quart of that color paint, and I can't figure out what to do with it. I am scared of it for some reason.

    I love that pillow. Would go great on my sofa.

    1. Thanks! I am also doing a picture frame in Texas Prarie... I think I must be in that color mood this week:)

      What are you thinking of working on? Have you used CeCe Caldwell's before?

  2. Just started with CeCe paints. I love painting with them, but seem to keep resorting to a safe gray that I mix with 50/50 Seattle Mist and Simply White. I have no experience layering colors. After I bought the Texas Prarie, my husband made a sour face :( , so I need to prove to him that it is as appealing as I thought it was. I have more than a dozen pieces of furniture of all types that I could experiment on.

    I am open to suggestion. I have a lot of the paint, in many colors. I would love some help!

  3. I find myself in that position often. Sometimes I know right away what a piece wants to be, but other times, I just have to wait until it 'occurs' to me! Food for thought....TP looks great over dark wood, rubbed through on the edges, and/or layered over Vintage White! Pinterest is always good for inspiration. I'd love to see a picture when you are done!

    1. I have a pedestal top round table that I was thinking of using it on. It has a walnut stain on it (even though it is just a soft pine wood). I think I will play around with it over the wood, but also try a spot with the vintage white first. I will let you know.

      I had trouble finding inspiration online; it doesn't seem to be a popular color. I originally bought it thinking it would go well with the Santa Fe (I had seem some damask drapes in that combo), but I need to stage my house for resale and need colors that have a broader appeal. All of my walls are gray.

      Hey, thanks a lot for your help!
